Audio:QS150601 C-box: BallLoc:189,163,206,180;147,208,164,225;229,103,246,120;211,136,228,153;263,145,280,162;210,254,227,271;349,138,366,155 LineNum: GeoBytesUsed:3 PaletteNeutralPic:GQ15_20.pic A-box or Headline5:N/A A-box or Headline6:N/A Correct:Germany*QS150602* Wrong 1:Angola Wrong 2:Austria Wrong 3:Denmark Wrong 4:Finland Wrong 5:Guyana Wrong 6:Russia Wrong 7: Wrong 8: GeoByte1:Carl Friedrich Gauss, shown on this bill, is often called the "prince of mathematicians." GeoByte2:After World War I, inflation was so bad that Germany issued a 200-million-mark bill. GeoByte3:The mark was originally a unit of weight. GeoByte4: GeoByte5: GeoByte6: GeoByte7: GeoByte8: GeoByte9: GeoByte10: First Pict Cast:GQ150690.PIC VideoReward:#none Palette:PaletteQ6 StartVideo:GQ150650.MOV EndVideo: MapPictCast:GQ150650.PIC Glossary Start Glossary End